Monday, 15 December 2008


A recent questionnaire circulated at my university asked some students to vote for their favourite album of the year. Whilst the nominees certainly deserved (or at least I imagine they were, some of them, I must shamefully admit I hadn’t heard of) their place on the list, I felt that a major omission was Santogold’s debut album. This is without doubt my album of the year. Track after track demonstrates her lyrical dexterity wowed me to such an extent that I could complain the album wasn’t long enough. In some ways the album does appear to end too soon and the final (non-bonus) track didn’t leave me wholly satisfied with my musical fix but then that can surely only be a shrewd commercial move come the arrival of her next album. All the same the album delighted me at every turn, but the stand-out track for me was ‘You’ll Find a Way’. It achieved that musical feat of encapsulating the psychological ‘fight or flight’ complex. This might appear an odd comment to make about a track (panic attacks might not seem to characterise a good song) but I definitely mean it as a compliment. It’s the sense of urgency in the song that I love and which makes it my favourite on the album, it runs with the listener and raises their heart-rate, these all seem good aspects to me! This all seems to be turning a little pretentious in its language but the album is amazing and I would urge you, if you haven’t already, to buy and listen to it. I await her (difficult?) second album and hope it doesn’t disappoint.


Craig Purshouse said...

It is one of my favourites too. Do you really think it's better than your beloved Sam Sparro though?! After all he does tackle such controversial subjects as er, smoking weed and um, God. Constantly pushing the envolope.

Joe said...

Mike, if you loved that album you should really check this out. Ignore the phrase 'dub', there's actually very little dub on it.

Joe said...

For example, check out these two: